Our Wedding Pictures Are Up

I finally spent a couple hours to sit at the computer and the scanner and scanned all of our wedding pictures. So, after 3 hours of scanning pictures I went to look at them on my computer and noticed that there are white specs all over where ever there is black. There must have been some specs on the glass of the scanner and didn't notice it until the pictures were blown up so the pictures don't look very good but at least you can see them without flipping through a book ha. I am probably just going to buy the CD that has all of the pictures on it because I am not going to go rescan all those pictures, I don't have the patience and it'll just be easier to buy the CD ha. Also, I'm not going to try to post all the pictures on the blog so go to ' http://picasaweb.google.com/jameshesch ' and you can see all the pictures there. Again, I'm sorry that there are white specs all over the picture's. Enjoy! :)

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