Chloe's Bed

So, we finally got Chloe's crib assembled and in our room. Brittany has been working REALLY hard on it, she stripped the stain that was on it then sanded, painted and put a clear coat on it. It was quite the project but I think she is very proud that she did it all by her self, it kept her busy while I was at work. I think she did such a good job. Except, today we only had one more side of one of the sides to paint and I told her since she did the whole thing, I would finish up that one side and lets be honest, it doesn't look the best but we are putting that side up against the wall so you can't see how crappy the painting looks ha, I guess painting is not my thing. I think the crib looks really good for the most part, Brittany did awesome! Here are some pictures of it, it doesn't have the bedding or a mattress yet so we will take more pictures when we get those. Hope you like it! :) Oh and I forgot to tell you the history behind this crib, it was my crib when I was little and I guess I liked to chew on it and so there was all these bite/teeth marks on the top of the crib, I wanted Britt to leave it that way as a memory but she sanded it so it's all smooth ha. I am kind of glad she did though, it looks really good. Also, when Britt was buying the paint, on the sample paper the paint looked like a dark cherry wood color and the name of it is "black cherry", so we were expecting that dark cherry wood look but once we put it on and put the clear coat on, it kind of looks purple, okay well it looks really purple but we still like it. Good thing we are having a girl ;)

The Crib

Close up

Me trying to look like I did all the work ha

If you can see, under the side piece there is a little lever that you can push down on with your foot and the side of it slides down so it will be easier to take Chloe out of her crib.

2 responses to “Chloe's Bed

  1. Great job Brit!! It looks fantastic and I really like the color!!

  2. You forgot to mention that all my kids were in it also!!!It looks great!! You guys did such a good job!!! I think the color will be super cute with all the bedding.

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