Crazy Fun Saturday!

We had a day to ourselves today and had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures that will help us tell about our day ha. First off, James had an eye appointment this morning at 8:45 AM!! So, we went to Excel Eye Center of Provo and he had his check up for his contacts to make sure they were fitting good and to get his prescription.

Waiting to be seen by the eye doctor, James looks a little tired ha.

Okay so we got a little bored waiting for the eye doctor and James decided to try on glasses hahaAfter the eye doctor, we went home for a little bit and then headed over to The Gateway Mall in SLC and that is where we spent most of our day.

Took turns doing different poses ha

Why so shy with the poses? We haven't seen this side of Brittany haha
The Gateway
More Poses ha
It's just his nature to pose. It comes so natural
Finally got a pose out of her, once nobody was around.
There it is! There's the personality we all love. :)
Restroom break, not to mention it was our 3rd restroom break or should I say Brittany's 3rd restroom break ha. Life of a pregnant woman :)
James trying to hide
That's a little better ha
Haha oh wow.
What is with the hand behind the head poses he does?
Why is that lady giving James a dirty look? Hmm.. ha
Brittany likes to take a lot of pictures ha
Of course we went to Hollister and happens to be that James isn't wearing a Hollister shirt
Good thing James isn't camera shy or else Brittany wouldn't have anybody to take pictures of :)
So after we went around The Gateway and took random pictures, we decided to go eat at California Pizza Kitchen.

After our delicious meal at California Pizza Kitchen, we went to go see a movie. We went and saw Invention of Lying.

"Not the restrooms again! Let's go see the movie"
That's how SLC rolls! Assigned seats at the movies!
Walking to the MegaPlex to see the movie!
Okay, I guess a couple pictures was too much for Brittany, turning her back on the camera
After the movie, we went back home and went to dinner with James' dad, after dinner we went home and played some games.

Good ol word searches.

Word finds are the best!
After doing a couple of those, we played another game we haven't played in a little while. SHANGHAI!

Whoa! James is winning for once? James has a pretty good lead. The hand after this one, James nailed Brittany with a bunch of more points and her score going into the last hand was 225 and James score was 30. James basically wins right?
Well.. we shouldn't talk too soon. Let's take a look and see who won.

Unbelievable! It was a tie! Okay okay, now time to explain. James could of gone down and out but was very foolish and didn't realize it until he had discarded. After James had discarded, Brittany went down and out. But, Brittany did win fair and square, James just likes to make up excuses to justify why he lost (poor sport). Brittany played a really good game!
You are probably wondering how James went from 30 to 225, well he had both 2's and all high end cards (J's, Q's, K's, A's and 10's). Yeah.... good game though!

After that Shanghai game, we got really tired and headed downstairs to go to bed.
Today was a fun day! We couldn't have asked for a better day!

One response to “Crazy Fun Saturday!

  1. You guys are goofy! I love it. Little Cloe will know what it is to laugh and have fun! :) Sorry I am behind on commenting. I do read them, just don't always comment. Love you guys. New Moon this weekend. YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!

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